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"Not the best choices for deeper, more thoughtful tarot work." my ass!
2001-04-15 - 2:32 a.m.

Sometimes, the strangest things set me off.

Perusing because I'm honestly not that proficient at cards yet, & I'd like to be better.

In the "choosing a first tarot deck" section, she says "Some newer tarot decks have been created in the spirit of light-hearted fun. Two examples are the Halloween Tarot and the Tarot of Baseball. These decks are amusing, but not the best choices for deeper, more thoughtful tarot work."

Um... can you say "bite me"?

I'm actually pissed off by this. On the same page, it also says "Choose a deck that makes you feel comfortable and secure, but also inspired. <...> it's better to start with one that attracts you. If a certain deck calls out to you, go with that one!" and "there is no official tarot deck".

So what, I'd like to know, is so bloody frivolous & innapropriate about the Halloween deck? Just because Halloween/kitschy horror symbolism doesn't do it for you personally doesn't mean it's not a valid deck for anybody. The Halloween deck is good. I mean, *really good*. It's not like a lot of Rider-Waite clones out there that just replace certain figures & symbols with seemingly random new figures & images that fit the theme. No, there's quite a bit of depth to it, if you know what you're looking for (or take the time to read the book that comes with it, which obviously the learntarot woman hasn't).

I dunno. Maybe I'm just not doing "deeper, more thoughtful tarot work". All I know is that (for me) the Rider-Waite deck is hackneyed & lifeless, the Alice in Wonderland deck is only slightly better, the Vertigo deck is too abstract (and collectable, so I don't want to muck it up with actual use ;P), & the Thoth deck makes me feel icky (to say nothing of MS's Giger deck, which I've only ever flipped through once to look at the art. ::twitch::). None of the (many) other Tarot decks I've looked at even came close to "speaking" to me (though I'd love to have some of them, just because they look super groovy).

No, the Halloween Tarot is the only deck that's ever come up with readings that much sense to me, or that seemed more than vaguely germaine to whatever question or situation the reading referenced. I know I'm not the only one who feels this way.

So fuck off, Miss I'm sure the Baseball Tarot aficianados would tell you the same.

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