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Madame Valerian now open for business

Upon further consideration, I think Agiel may have been on to something when she suggested I look into Tarot readings as a possible source of income. After all, it's something I enjoy doing, something that wouldn't require much of a schedule, & something I'd like to think I'm fairly good at.

But I need practice doing readings for others. This is where you guys come in.

I'm going to start doing readings through email. Exciting, no? So, if you want a Tarot reading, or just want to help me out, email me at [email protected]. Include in your email if you would like a general reading, or have a specific question (if you have a specific question, it would be helpful to share that question with me, but not absolutely necessary). I'll do a Celtic Cross reading for you & email the results back to you ASAP. [Note: I'm going to try to do 1 or 2 readings a day, but I do have a little bit of a life, so I'm not making any promises. Currently, there are 9 people waiting for readings.]

All I ask in return is that you give me some feedback on the reading. Did you find the reading at all helpful? Did the cards seem to be germaine to the subject at hand, or did the reading make no sense to you at all? (keep in mind that there are many reasons that a reading might come up as apparent nonsense, many of them having nothing to do w/ the skill of the reader). Was the reading of a good length, or would you prefer the card explanations to be more/less in-depth? Mostly, did you enjoy the whole online-tarot experience?

A link back and/or a diary entry discussing your reading would be nice, but not required.

I use the Halloween Tarot, which is based on the standard Rider-Waite template using Halloween & kitschy horror symbology (Bats = swords, Ghosts = cups, Imps = rods/staves/wands, Pumpkins = coins/pentacles). Despite what one might think about a Halloween/Horror deck, it's really a pretty positive deck, focusing on the good in life & viewing trials & trevails as learning experiences & opportunities for growth.

For more information on tarot readings in general, & long-distance ones in particular, check out Enchanted Spirit & Both sites offer tarot readings via email, too, though they charge between $5-$50 for them.

If you want more free readings, there're always computer-generated readings online at sites like & Crystal Vision Tarot provides online readings in real time, via a chat room, for around $25. Maybe someday I'll be that cool.

Halloween Tarot links:

The Small Print:

Readings are intended for entertainment purposes only, and should not be relied upon for personal, medical, legal or financial decisions. Readings are provided without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. I do not warrant the accuracy or make any representations about the suitability, reliability, timeliness, appropriateness or accuracy of any readings. Thank you, drive through.

(Incidentally, legalese ripped off & bastardized from the terms & conditions on the Crystal Vision Tarot site. They can afford lawyers because they actually charge for their services.)

Back Forth

Give a Clix, if you please.

midi lives in gloomcounty
midi came from Ravenswood Manor

That was so five minutes ago...
Just in case you thought I wasn't crazy, anymore... - Thursday, Jan. 30, 2003
Hiya! ::waves:: - Saturday, Nov. 16, 2002
New & improved home trephination kit... now with 50% more sequins! - Saturday, Jul. 27, 2002
slack, whine, & snot. A recipe for bitchiness. - Thursday, Jul. 11, 2002
Do you believe in time travel? - Saturday, Jul. 06, 2002

I see the moon,
Live Moon Phase Display
the moon sees me...

Obsessions du Jour
Music: Krishna Das
Printed Material: The Apocrypha
On Screen: Six Feet Under
Etc: Mary Magdalene
Virgin Mary
Kali Sara

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