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Back Forth

I was an American Girl
Tuesday, Sept. 18, 2001 - 12:32 p.m.

I dreamt that I was dating Tom Petty.

In my dream, I thought Tom Petty was Really Hot.

Clearly, something is not right in my head.

I think I'm finally starting to bleed... a week late. Which would be great if I didn't have an OB/GYN appointment for tomorrow.

Did I mention that I don't want to go to work? I just feel so overburdened right now... there are so many things that I need to do *right now*, which stresses me, which kicks me into avoidance mode so that nothing gets done, which stresses me more... an all-too-familiar vicious cycle. Under normal circumstances, I would consider telling NM that I need a day or 2 off to get my shit together, but I'd feel like a complete choad if I did that now when there's so much to do at the office & she's got so much stuff going on in her life as well. How can I tell her that I can't handle dragging my ass in there whenever I get around to it & working a few hours a day when she's in there at the butt-crack of dawn every day?

But at least I have my kitties, now... and the dreamiest Squeezy on the face of the planet.

A footnote to the Vegas thing... we went to Memphis the day after we got back from Vegas. This is the 2nd time I've been to TN, so I can now officially say that it sucks rancid goat chunder. The weather was nice (overcast but not raining, temp in the mid 70's), but the fabulous cemetaries all closed at 4:00 & we didn't have a chance to visit them 'till after 6. NM was all about hopping the fence, but I pointed out that we pro'lly didn't want to finish up an already stressful & exhausting week by getting arrested for trespassing in TN. (Again, I say: my boss is cooler than yooouurrrss!)

And we didn't get to go to Graceland, either. Pooh.

Back Forth

Give a Clix, if you please.

midi lives in gloomcounty
midi came from Ravenswood Manor

That was so five minutes ago...
Just in case you thought I wasn't crazy, anymore... - Thursday, Jan. 30, 2003
Hiya! ::waves:: - Saturday, Nov. 16, 2002
New & improved home trephination kit... now with 50% more sequins! - Saturday, Jul. 27, 2002
slack, whine, & snot. A recipe for bitchiness. - Thursday, Jul. 11, 2002
Do you believe in time travel? - Saturday, Jul. 06, 2002

I see the moon,
Live Moon Phase Display
the moon sees me...

Obsessions du Jour
Music: Krishna Das
Printed Material: The Apocrypha
On Screen: Six Feet Under
Etc: Mary Magdalene
Virgin Mary
Kali Sara

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