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Back Forth

Dysfunctional Hermit, party of one.
Thursday, Feb. 07, 2002 - 5:03 a.m.

Why is it that the more I sleep, the more tired I am?

I actually feel better than I did, but not completely well. Someone asked me last night if I was happy.

Sometimes. It comes & goes

Part of the problem is simply that I'm going a bit stir-crazy. I used to think that I'd never get bored puttering around the house all by myself. Apparently, it just takes me a few months to get there. Unfortunately, now that IV's back in town, I'm pretty much immobile once again (please don't get me wrong... I'm really glad IV's back, & I certainly don't begrudge her the use of her own car, but that still leaves me with only my own car which runs fine... when you can get it started). I can't even aspire to bike-riding as a mode of transportation, because I happen to live in one of the only parts of Orlando left where convenience stores are the only things within comfortable riding distance.

So I'm bored. And I'm lonely. I don't even really associate w/ TA, just the Squeezy.

What's really bizarre about that is that I really do have friends. I have a bazillion aquaintances with whom I'm on friendly terms, and I enjoy spending time with quite a number of them. A handful of them I absolutely adore.

But I can't make myself pick up the phone or even email them to say "Hey, wanna hang out?" Worse, I can't even figure out why I'm being like this. If I'm unhappy being anti-social, why do I keep on being so?

Rargh. I tried so hard to crawl out of my shell, & now I've just crept back into it. It's very small, & chafes me sometimes, but it's familiar & warm & safe.

Back Forth

Give a Clix, if you please.

midi lives in gloomcounty
midi came from Ravenswood Manor

That was so five minutes ago...
Just in case you thought I wasn't crazy, anymore... - Thursday, Jan. 30, 2003
Hiya! ::waves:: - Saturday, Nov. 16, 2002
New & improved home trephination kit... now with 50% more sequins! - Saturday, Jul. 27, 2002
slack, whine, & snot. A recipe for bitchiness. - Thursday, Jul. 11, 2002
Do you believe in time travel? - Saturday, Jul. 06, 2002

I see the moon,
Live Moon Phase Display
the moon sees me...

Obsessions du Jour
Music: Krishna Das
Printed Material: The Apocrypha
On Screen: Six Feet Under
Etc: Mary Magdalene
Virgin Mary
Kali Sara

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